Block Form Submissions

Can anyone tell me how to add a timestamp to the block_form_submission.php?

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
foreach($questionAnswerPairs as $questionAnswerPair){
   $submittedData .= $questionAnswerPair['question']."\r\n".$questionAnswerPair['answerDisplay']."\r\n"."\r\n";
$formDisplayUrl=URL::to('/dashboard/reports/forms') . '?qsid='.$questionSetId;
$body = t("
There has been a submission of the form %s through your concrete5 website.
To view all of this form's submissions, visit %s 
", $formName, $submittedData, $formDisplayUrl);
//add timestamp here

vonanko replied on at Permalink Reply
What is the purpose of timestamp? Do you wanna save it somewhere? Or just send it in email?
haundavid replied on at Permalink Reply
We just want to see the timestamp in the email. A timestamp is already stored in the dashboard > records.