Bypass Exclude from Nav?

I need to put a Sitemap page on a site, and I want it to show EVERY page in the sitemap.

I have quite a few pages that are excluded from the nav for display purposes.

Is there I way I can bypass that attribute and display every single nav item in nested UL structure?

MysteriousCleon replied on at Permalink Reply
You can use Page list for that... Just get rid of descriptions, and it's almost the same...
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
If you're running Concrete5.6.1 or higher, there's a super simple way to do this by passing TRUE to the $controller->getNavItems() function at the top of most templates. I wrote you a quick blog post about it for future posterity:
leinteractive replied on at Permalink Reply
Wow! Super awesome.

Thanks Jordan!