C5.7 backend frustratingly slow

I have a C5 5.7 install on a shared webspace that also runs our current website on C5 5.6.

The 5.7 backend and un-cached frontend run on PHP 7.1 but are frustratingly slow - slower than the 5.6 back-end and un-cached pages running on PHP 5.6! Pages take up to 10 seconds to load; many menus (the ones that do Ajax requests in between) take their time as well. It won't be a problem to site visitors once the new site is done as we'll turn on caching of course, but it makes the development process very difficult.

Are there any hints on how to speed up a 5.7 install?
As I said it's shared hosting, so we can't do anything about the PHP configuration. It would be a crying shame to have to get a dedicated server (with all the hassle that entails) just to be able to work with a site on a CMS whose previous version was much faster even uncached.

We can't update to C5 5.8 yet, as some essential modules aren't available for that version yet.

CMSDeveloper replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply 1 Attachment

There a huge speed differents between shared hosting providers.
Some are fast 3/4 seconds and some are really slow 10/18 seconds.

Sometimes you can set some php(.ini) setting in your hosting manager(Directadmin,Plesk!)
CMSDeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
Did this solved your issue
pekka replied on at Permalink Reply
Nope, the project I'm talking about is running on a shared web host (which is very fast & reliable & C5.6 and WP run without problems, so very hesitant to switch). This solved itself by me pulling the plug and migrating to Wordpress though, as discussed in the other thread. :(