Can you re-create a MySQL database from .frm .MYD and .MYI files?

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Hi There,

I've upgrade my local machine but forgot about all my local MAMP databases.

I have my original disk and have found where MAMP pro has stored all the databases:
/Libary/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/db/mysql

But in the databases folders are what look to be the separate tables for the c5 database and for each table there is a:
- .frm file
- .MYD file
- .MYI file

Do I import all these files to re-create the database or is that not possible?

All the articles I've read on these files were a bit technical so any help here would be awesome!



Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
no, you need to export the database using my php admin.

cmscss replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for that,

What if I can't run phpMyAdmin on that machine?

i.e. the data is there on my old disk but MAMP no longer starts up from that disk - so doesn't see those databases.

Can I just copy that data into the same folder in the new disk and have MAMP see those databases?
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
You can try, I have no clue if that will work.