Can't change Canonical URL after page duplication in version

I'm continually bugged by this issue. If I duplicate a page in the Sitemap, the Canonical URL adds '1' at the end, to 'newpage1' and I can't revert it, even if I delete the original. As soon as I correct and save it reverts back to the original or whatever it wants to insert. So 'page_three' may continually revert to 'page-three1'.

I see there is a PagePaths database that holds these paths. How can I fiddle with that to resolve the issue? I've uploaded a screen dump from the last time I had the issue, where the original path was /events/chachakka_retreat.

Can I delete all the entries there to 'clear the cache' of filenames or is there another way to resolve this via PagePaths?

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enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Try checking the trash to be sure the original page has been completely removed. While it may be sitting in the trash it still exists, and is probably why c5 wont let you use the same url again?!
rusty007 replied on at Permalink Reply
I can't see a Trash can, even though I have Admin/SuperAdmin access and Show System Settings is on. I can see other System items but not a trash can.

I can see what's in the Trash anyway, via PagePaths so its not that.