Can't reach site because of too long responding time


Since this morning I can't reach my Concrete5 site ( because it takes too long to respond. I already got in contact with my hosting, but they have no problems of reaching the site (because of their fast interenet connection over there) and say the problem is caused by Concrete5. Could somebody please help me? I really need this site because of my work and I can't even reach the Concrete5 dashboard or anything.

gavthompson replied on at Permalink Reply
I can't reach it either and when I tried to ping it I got no response from it.

Do a
from a command prompt and see what you get back.
DC0015 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I have done what you asked and this is what I got back. (See attachment)
gavthompson replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm no expert, far from it but if you can't reach the site (not even get a ping back from it or get Tracert to the webserver) in my eyes that must be a issue with the hosting. I personally can't see this being an issue with C5 because you can't even reach the webserver to begin with.
DC0015 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. I think I will contact my hosting again tomorrow. I was already wondering if they were wrong and that is was a hosting error. It didn't make any sense otherwise.
DC0015 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi gavtompson,

I got in contact with my hosting provider again. And they checked my site again and they have no problem with visiting the site. They also checked the servers and they found no issues. Any guesses of what the problem could be? I really need your help man.
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
If your server was working correctly you'd expect a static resource like the robots.txt file to return almost instantly:

But that's not loading either.

I think your host have diagnosed things incorrectly, I'd say it's some sort of networking issue on their end.

I often use to check that it's not just me if I have trouble accessing a site (sometimes firewalls can automatically block you, etc)
Perhaps ask the host to explain why a static file on your site isn't coming up in pingdom tools.
gavthompson replied on at Permalink Reply
Take Mesuva's advice :).
Also, can you even access your CPanel? that has nothing to do with C5.

Who is your host out of interest?
jasteele12 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Dylan,

Your website loaded just fine here from Ashland, Oregon (of course not the fastest route) at 3:30pm PST:

Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops:
   1      3 ms       2 ms       2 ms  xxxxxxxxxxxx []
   2    30 ms     29 ms     27 ms []
   3    27 ms     27 ms     26 ms []
   4    33 ms     33 ms     32 ms []
   5    47 ms     49 ms     45 ms []
   6    48 ms     47 ms     47 ms []
   7   115 ms   115 ms   113 ms []
   8   112 ms   113 ms   113 ms []
   9   115 ms   115 ms   116 ms []
 10   308 ms   306 ms   307 ms []
 11   324 ms   305 ms   216 ms []
 12   315 ms   223 ms   291 ms []
 13   306 ms   309 ms   307 ms []
 14   322 ms   308 ms   305 ms []

FYI, John
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
It's loading for me now too (and through pingdom), it wasn't 12 hours ago.
I suspect they've fixed something, perhaps a routing issue.
DC0015 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi guys,

The problem has been fixed now. I'm still quite not sure what caused it, because my hosting provider says that they couldn't find a sollution, but it got fixed anyway so I'm happy. Thanks for the support everybody!
ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
The twitter plugin was causing my site to timeout for some reason, but now it is not. Perhaps 3rd party code such as twitter or facebook was timing out.