Changing block size in custom theme

I am using the excellent CT Plain theme but find that the Sitewide Site Logo block is too big for my needs, and consequently Sitewide Header Nav block is too small.

Is there a way to alter their respective width dimensions?

Site can be seen here


dsotm44 replied on at Permalink Reply
WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
If I've understood correctly it seems like you want to change the column settings for those elements in your html structure:

you have:

<div class="four columns alpha logo-content">
<a href="/">
<div id="areaStyleSiteLogo5" class=" ccm-area-styles ccm-area-styles-a49">
<h3><strong><span style="font-size: x-large;">Home</span></strong></h3></div>            </a>

which creates the area for your logo


<nav id="nav-menu" class="twelve columns omega nav-content">

which allows the space for your nav.

I don't know the skeleton framework but it looks to me as though this is based on 16 columns and if you change the above classes to three columns and thirteen columns respectively that will make the logo area smaller and the nav area larger within the total 16 columns.

If you are going to alter any of your theme files - make sure you take a back-up in case anything goes wrong.

Does that make sense?
dsotm44 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Andy - many thanks for the help - I am very noob at this :)

That sounds about right - I can fiddle around with this to see if it works. Would I be correct in thinking the changes you have listed are in the skeleton.css file in the custom theme package?

WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi Brian,
nope. They would be in one of your theme files.
I don;t know how that theme is set-up but you'll likely find you have an elements folder under your theme folder which houses the php files that contain common elements for your theme structure.

Inside one of these files will be the html markup that controls the layout of your nav (possibly a head.php or header.php but it could be named anything.

Inside this file will be the markup:

<div class="four columns alpha logo-content">

which you would change to
<div class="three columns alpha logo-content">


<nav id="nav-menu" class="twelve columns omega nav-content">

which you would change to

<nav id="nav-menu" class="thirteen columns omega nav-content">

However, if you aren't comfortable doing this then you might be better off leaving it.

If you get any typos in the class names or copy something incorrectly it could throw your page structure completely out of whack.

If you are going to alter any file in your theme at all then you should always make a backup copy that you can put back in place should things not work out so well.

I'd hate to give you any advice that leads to messing your site up (nice site by the way)
dsotm44 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Andy - this is perfect

I will hunt through the files till I find these and experiment carefully - never fear - i have 3 separate backups!

dsotm44 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi Andy - attached is a copy of the theme - its very clean and customisable, and looks great. There is no elements folder but I am sure I can find the code

dsotm44 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Andy

Found it - its in the Inc folder in the header.php file. Made the changes and now it works brilliant!

Many thanks for the help!!

P.s Glad you like the site :)