Concrete5 Now Available

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Just letting everyone know that version is now available.

This is a maintenance release that includes some important bug fixes (which do not affect all users) and some nice editing improvements. You can read more about the update here:


scorpa54 replied on at Permalink Reply
Just downloaded 5.7 and my first question would be "Why did you move away from a simple interface?" I use Concrete because it is (was) very easily navigated by the average client. Now you have gone from "Edit this page" and the like to some fairly meaningless 23x23 icon(s). It took me hovering over every entity just to make my way to the Dashboard, I can see the blank looks on the client's faces now.
There seem to be other features that look quite appealing and I am glad to see Bootstrap integration but the loss of that simplicity is a show stopper for me. I just cannot subject my clientele to that level of confusion, that's like Wordpress or even Joomla.
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
It would shock me to learn that these clients didn't also use a smartphone with significantly greater complexity than Concrete5's initial editing interface. I guess it all depends on what you spend your time learning.

If you want labels with your icons you can turn them on in Dashboard > System & Settings > Basics > Accessibility.
scorpa54 replied on at Permalink Reply
I am in awe everyday at how people seem to have major league difficulty with what I would consider to be the simplest of online tasks. There are a small group that still have some difficulty grasping the previous versions, whether they use smartphones or not I don't know (I have no use for them myself).
Thanks for the tip on the settings, I will see what I am able to come up with in regards to a "users manual".
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Hah – fair enough; that is certainly true.
scorpa54 replied on at Permalink Reply
Seem to have run into a glitch.
I loaded up using an empty site.
From there I added a right sidebar page to the page types.
I then added a new page to the site and chose right sidebar.
On going to publish this page and following the composer link, the composer comes up empty and I am unable to publish.
When I go through the same steps with the full "default" page the composer responds according to the help video and I am able to publish.
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

Thank you for the new release.

I was going through the release notes and noticed a change to the topics system. When I went to test it, I noticed that the topics weren't editable. There is no tooltip and categories and topics are not draggable. Dynatree is firing, but I noticed "tree.onDragStart() cancelled" when attempting a drag.

Also, will there be new installments of documentation now that the 5.7.4.x series has been released?
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Hmm, can you clear your browser's cache? I'm wondering if JavaScript is cached. I'm not having any trouble dragging or getting the menu in Safari or Chrome
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Also, can you try this with the admin user if you're not already?
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

I am using the admin account and the browser and concrete5 cache are cleared.

I saw this post and applied the fixes.

After applying the fixes, topics displays a "Load error! (parsererror)" and "appendAjax failed: parsererror :" error in the console.
HardOne replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry for jumping in here.

Neither applying the fix nor updating to latest git version seem to fix the inability to create a new topic tree . In a clean demo content installation of latest git version (5.7.5a1), the bug is fixed. Appearantly I'm doing something wrong, but what? Any hints are much appreceated.
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Until we do a new build of an entire new release you're going to also have to rebuild the javascript files using grunt. We changed the sources, but the compiled javascript files are the ones that are actually run from. If you're running from github you can do this by going into the build directory and typing "grunt js" – but unless you've set up grunt and know how to do that it might be more trouble than it's worth.
HardOne replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you Andrew, very much appreciated. I'll wait for the next maintenance release.

For some unknown reason rebuilding javascript has no effect, but digging deeper is not worth it as you said. But thank you anyway. :-)
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
If anyone is wanting to know how to manually upgrade a 5.7 install, I've whipped up a short guide and a video here:
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

Nice job on the video.

This would be great posted as a How-To.
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Sure thing, I've posted it as a how-to.
daenu replied on at Permalink Reply
Nice HowTo-video, Thank you. I'd strongly recommend to empty cache and turn it off before doing this. I had some issues if not doing so!
Ale replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the new release.

I'd like to ask what happened to the timed release of pages? I recall core team saying that there will be timed release feature available without activating advanced permissios...also I think there were some alpha versions or at least screenshots of the edit panel showing a clock icon next to Publish-button. What happened to that?

There are many cases where such feature would be useful. Please correct me if I'm wrong but if an admin wanted to create a news release showing up on spesific date/time, the admin would need to enable advanced permissions and then: create a page -> open permissions in page settings -> set the permissions to manual -> edit the guest access -> set desired date/time -> publish..? Is there any easier way to achieve this?

I hate to say this but I still share the concerns of the interface's "intuitivelessness" presented by many others here. I find the separation of Edit mode and Add Content in toolbar somewhat confusing. Even though I realize that clicking the Add Content takes the user directly to Edit mode with the Block Panel open, it would be kind of cleaner solution to have the Add Content button living "inside" the Edit Mode, even if it would require extra click (First open Edit mode, then open Block Panel if you want to add stuff).
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments

Do you mean something like this:
- when not in Edit Mode, the Add Content button is not visible
- when in Edit Mode, the Add Content button is visible

If so, I think that makes sense.

I attached screenshots and would be interested in feedback from Andrew and others.
Ale replied on at Permalink Reply


While I acknowledge that this isn't a big issue (especially if you've used 5.7 for a while), it would still make UI a bit easier to get used to. Currently it gives the impression that Edit mode and Add Content are two different (quite look-alike) "concepts", but clicking the Add Content still eventually takes you to Edit Mode. It would make sense to make them more hierarchical so that Add Content lives under Edit Mode (in the UI) also.

When teaching people how to you use Concrete5 it's been so easy to say "go to the desired page and put it in EDIT MODE, then you can add content or edit existing ones". Currently you can add content without ever "going to" edit mode, even if it happens behind the scenes.

When talking about edit mode, the drag'n drop is nice feature, but IMHO(!) much more error-prone than click-to-add. Good to see that the latter made appearance in recent versions.
dclmedia replied on at Permalink Reply

Awesome video fella! Great tip!