Contact form

I use the Form-block (not External) as a contact block and it works great, despite that it's possible to leave the form empty and click Submit how many times you want, so my "register" is full of empty messages. I've tried to implement a PHP-script to prevent this but outta luck. Does someone here have a solution that's copy-paste ready for me :) ?

ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
and if someone else doesn't come along and handle this then I will. Are you using the RC1? It seems like it has a bit more validation in the code in that version, at least it seems to check that the length of at least one value isn't null.
Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
I tried the contact form without any entry and It send it without warning.

So, for me, there isn't any verification of any kind of value.

Should be implement as soon as possible; it's a must. And also, it need a captcha. I'm hoping there will be something like this in the MarketPlace before the end of this year.
ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
I will take a look at it after I get my thumbnail issue figured out.
thibodeaux replied on at Permalink Reply
I have to get a site up with a form that does simple validation in the next 48 hours... Is there a simple solution?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
make a custom form. it gives you as much control as you want.

it's super simple - you can lay the form out however you like in one file, and you can handle the processing (including validation) in another.

if you'd like us to do it for you, mock up the form you want, make a list of the exact validation you want, and i'll give you a quote.
Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
We definitively need a form that have auto-validation and a Captcha.

Would it be implement in the next version?