Convert Wordpress Theme to C5


I am need of your help.

I need to convert a wordpress theme into a c5 theme.

I am bit new at this so if you could be more detailed I would appreciate it alot!!!

Thanks so so much!

ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I will try and post the file itself
okhayat replied on at Permalink Reply
It's much easier to convert a HTML/PSD template. There are many WP specific functions and it's really for a blog not a CMS site.
I tested is for an hour then just deleted the files :)
katz515 replied on at Permalink Reply
I usually convert WordPress Theme after printing as HTML...

- Run WordPress
- Install the Theme
- Display WordPress Theme
- Copy the HTML code
- Copy the image and CSS files
- Replace all URL by using Coda or Dreamweaver's full text search and replace
- Remove WordPress specific HTML code
- Insert a concrete5 theme codes
- Do some adjustment

This is much easier and faster to convert WordPress Theme to concrete5.

I can usually convert a WordPress Theme into concrete5 them within 10-15 min by doing this way,
okhayat replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the tip!
kino replied on at Permalink Reply
me too.
kino replied on at Permalink Reply