Creating a custom theme with latest version of Concrete 5.

This question is related to the video "concrete-ize" a basic HTML theme in 8 minutes Posted byfrz in Designers on Oct 31, 2008.

Is this the best tutorial to follow if I want to convert my own HTML doc to the latest version of concrete5? Or is there another tutorial or way I can learn how to do this? The reason I ask is because I noticed it was posted in 2008 and there are a number of questions below it.

Please advise.


JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
There are no tutorials currently for 5.6 (or 5.5), but the existing tutorials are still valid. The main issue with 5.5/5.6 is that they are less tolerant of badly formed themes and that you have to avoid clashing with any bootstrap styling used in the toolbar or edit pop ups.

The most thorough tutorial is: