Custome Theme Installation error

Please see attached.

I have the following in my packages>theme_ponsonby>controller.php:
namespace Concrete\Package\ThemePonsonby\Theme\Ponsonby;

use Concrete\Core\Package\Package;
use Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Theme;

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");

class Controller extends Package


protected $pkgHandle = 'theme_ponsonby’;
protected $appVersionRequired = '';
protected $pkgVersion = '1.0';

public function getPackageDescription()
return t("Adds Ponsonby Theme.");

public function getPackageName()
return t(“Ponsonby”);

public function install()
$pkg = parent::install();
Theme::add(‘ponsonby’, $pkg);

plus all the theme requirements (header/footer/default/fullwidth/view/description/css).

1 Attachment

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
You have 2 problems. First, your namespace is wrong. That's the package's controller so the namespace should be
namespace Concrete\Package\ThemePonsonby;

Second, you put all your code outside of your class. You have
class Controller extends Package

And all your code comes after that.

It should really be between the brackets, not outside of them.