Doctrine discriminator mapping error


I've created a custom attibute in my package based on this document:

Now I get this error:
Entity 'Concrete\Package\PackageName\Entity\Attribute\Key\MyKey' has to be part of the discriminator map of 'Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Key' to be properly mapped in the inheritance hierarchy. Alternatively you can make 'Concrete\Package\PackageName\Entity\Attribute\Key\MyKey' an abstract class to avoid this exception from occurring.

Can anyone help me? Why the error? I've looked at other packages (like community_store) and they do exactly the same...

Please help. Thanks!



mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
We had that error show up a few times with Community Store but it usually went away after refreshing the entities. Did you try that?
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply
Tried repeatedly...

The weird thing is that, today, the error is gone...
Not sure why, nothing changed, didn't clear any chache, changed no files and didn't do any refresh on the entities....

So, closed for now... Hopes it won't happen again....

Thank you for answering!