Does if (!$c->isEditMode()) { ?> work in custom blocks?

I was trying out (!$c->isEditMode()) { ?> on a customised autonav block, and it doesn't seem to work.

I have an autonav on the top menu that dynamically links to a third level page on a certain category.

The problem is:
The client will not be given access to the dashboard, hence no sitemap. So the client can only add a page in edit mode, when adding a page it adds it under whatever third level page is selected. I need to be able to switch this off in edit mode, to allow the client to add any other page in this same level.


---project 1

** i have home pointing to project 1(child of projects), currently if client adds a page it will be a child of project 1. I want it to be a child of projects.

What options do i have?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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