Drop down menu works but dosen't work under the home tab?

The drop down menu I'm using works but I cannot figure out how allow a drop down menu under the Home tab as it is the root level.

This is the view.php
   defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
   $aBlocks = $controller->generateNav();
   global $c;
   if ($c->isEditMode()) {
      echo("<div class=\"menu\" style=\"position:inherit!important;\"><ul>");
   else {
      echo("<div class=\"menu\"><ul>");
   $nh = Loader::helper('navigation');
   foreach($aBlocks as $ni) {
      $_c = $ni->getCollectionObject();
      if (!$_c->getCollectionAttributeValue('exclude_nav')) {
         $thisLevel = $ni->getLevel();

So it starts with Home, the next level lays out the menu bar and the third level is the drop bar.

This is the site:

Anyone have any idea how to also have a drop bar under the home tab?

The Xbox Tab shows what I want to achieve under the Home tab

Thank You.

Krooger replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
If anyone has this problem my solution was to have a "Home" page in the second level, hide my real home page from the Autonav and just have to second level home page redirect to the root home.
luns4d replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for reporting your discovery. I have (had?) same issue.
mikefix replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm looking for a drop down menu can you help. I'm a newbe
luns4d replied on at Permalink Reply
I consider myself new at this as well. I use and suggest the Superfish product. You can get it in the "Marketplace." Follow this link:

AFter reviewing the discussions on having a column of link options under the "Home" link, I decided against it.

Good luck.