File Manager selector - filter

I'm trying to make a new file selector field which when clicked has the file manager pre-filtered by a certain attribute.

I tried taking a look at the edit form for the "Image" block, as I noticed that whenever you click on the "choose image" button, the file manager that appears is pre-filtered to only show images.

From what I can make out, the button that the user clicks calls a function called "launchDialog" in order make the File Manager appear. One of the optional parameters for that function is to provide various options, including how to filter the contents of the file manager.

The "lauchDialog" function is receiving the below as its second parameter to filter the File Manager to only show images:

filters: [
field: "type",
type: 1

What I'm failing to figure out (or find any documentation on) is what to put into here to filter the File Manager by a custom attribute. In my case, I'm using a custom checkbox attribute called "is_a_supporting_document".