File Tags

Is there a way to get ALL the tags in all the files?
I've been searching but from what I can tell, $fv->getTags() only gets tags associated with a specific file, I need to get an array of all the available tags.

Is that possible?


JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
In many situations like that I find some simple sql listing straight from the database solves the problem. However, in this case I think tags use attributes, so doing it with sql would require some serious joins.

What is the context of use?

If it is just an edit or dashboard dialog, you could do it the slow way by reading each file's tags and accumulating in php. If it is for on-page information, you probably need something faster.

You could look at the core FileList() object (as used by the filemanager) and see what that does.
ESKEMA replied on at Permalink Reply
In trying to make a website that is heavily photo driven, and to rely
almost only on the file manager. I need more control over the sorting of
images. Filesets only is not enough. A way to get the tags
automatically would be ideal, otherwise I'll need to manually update the
tags list everytime a new one is created.

On Thursday, December 19, 2013, concrete5 Community wrote:
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Will you be using the list of tags on public pages, or just in the file manager?

If you look at the advanced options in the file manager, you can add extra columns and search/filter by any attribute.
ESKEMA replied on at Permalink Reply
Just the file manager tags
kspitzley replied on at Permalink Reply
Was there ever any resolution to this?