Flat Pie and the Revolution Slider

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I have submitted support requests but have not got a reply yet... maybee one of you can help me sort this out. I am using swosh theme and am using the revolution slider in the header of the page and flat pie addon in the body. When The Slider loads up in publish mode the flat pie doesn't work (see example1 image). When I take out the revolution slider or launch in edit mode (deactivating the slider) the pies load fine (see example2 image).

I know the two addons can work together because it is so athttp://swosh.myconcretelab.com/... the demo. But it is not working on my site.

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CharismaBusiness replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I was just going back over my old forum posts... If any one else encounters this problem you just need to adjust the troubleshooting in the Revolution Slider dashboard pages.

- Turn jQuery No Conflict Mode = OFF
- Put JS Includes to Body = True
- Output Filters Protection = None

This fixes it... it is just a jQuery / JS issue