Form Submission Customization

Hey all! I am in need of some help regarding the form submissions built in to concrete5. Right now, I just have one contact us form on the website. In an effort to modify the way the results are sent, I have edited two files: concrete/mail/block_form_submission.php (the body of the e-mail message) and concrete/blocks/form/controller.php (to modify the sender of the e-mail). Essentially, I just wanted to change the From of the e-mail from the administrator's e-mail to the e-mail address entered in the form. I've made all the necessary changes, cleared my local cache and cleared the cache via the Dashboard ... unfortunately none of my changes are being reflected. The original message template is still being used, and the e-mails are still coming from the administrator's email account. Can anyone help me here?

prestressed replied on at Permalink Reply
(Presuming you did make new copies of your edited files in the right place & not accidentally overwrite the original files in the core?)

See bottom of this thread for useful How-To links:
snewman replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reference mate, but no luck. I had made a very similar modification but I tried theirs instead and still nothing. I am making the changes in the original core files.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
did you use an auto update of your site? then it won't use the files in /concrete, they are in /updates/concrete5.****
snewman replied on at Permalink Reply
Ahhhhh that may be the culprit ... I did do an auto update. I'll check it out quick and let you know.
snewman replied on at Permalink Reply
Perfect! Thanks so much ... this was driving me crazy!
prestressed replied on at Permalink Reply
Don't make the changes to the core! (Or the core in /updates) It's really not a good idea...
You should copy the files in /concrete/blocks/form (or in your case in updates/concrete5.5x/concrete/blocks/form) to /blocks/form and then make the changes - otherwise next time you do an auto update, like you found, your changes will vanish.

snewman replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the information ... I'm definitely going to do that so I don't have to keep making changes. I wonder though ... if a file you override is significantly different (or different on any level for that matter) in a later version of C5, how does the system merge the changes?