Form with a "Thank You" response showing in lightbox


I'm working a design where the customer wants to have a small form (name, email and some check-boxes to request some PDF brochures) in the footer of the site. When a site visitor completes the form, the client would like a lightbox pop-up to display, thanking them for their request and telling them to check their inbox for an email with links to the brochures (ideally, PDFs stored in Concrete5).

Is this possible using the built-in forms manager? Or will this need an external form? Or just a hard-coded form in the page?

And if I'm not using the built-in forms manager, is there a way to get the form submissions stored in the system for reporting purposes?

I appreciate any ideas and/or help pointing me in the right direction (I've searched the forums, but didn't find anything related to my specific situation).


- John

clocktower replied on at Permalink Reply
We were able to slap together a quick custom block template with the following:

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
//echo $survey->surveyName.'<br>';
$miniSurvey=new MiniSurvey($b);
<a name="<?php  echo $survey->questionSetId ?>"></a><br/>
<?php  if ($invalidIP) { ?>
<div class="ccm-error"><p><?php echo $invalidIP?></p></div>
<?php  } ?>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="miniSurveyView-popup" class="miniSurveyView" method="post" action="<?php  echo $this->action('submit_form').'#'.$survey->questionSetId?>">
   <?php   if( $_GET['surveySuccess'] && $_GET['qsid']==intval($survey->questionSetId) ){ ?>
      <div id="msg" class="thank-you-message modal fade">
         <div class="modal-header"><button class="close" type="button" data-dismiss="modal">x</button>

You will need to ensure that your theme is all setup with bootstrap, specifically Modals, otherwise update to trigger lightbox accordingly.