Form with checkboxes and associated images that link to larger image

Hi all,

I've been trying to find an add-on form that will allow me to
1. Have multiple check boxes with associated images
2. Have the image clickable to open a larger image (like in a light box or slider)

I have a client who want to display images of products in a form that allows her customers to select (checkbox) the product images they are interested in getting more information about.

She wants the product images in the form to be clickable and open in a format similar to a slider or gallery.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

I can build a form using HTML - but wonder how I can link to a lightbox/gallery/slider type display without having a different gallery instance and file set for each image.



mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
You could probably do that with just any lightbox script you find out there. I don't mean an add-on from here.
Usually those lightboxes work with class names added to a link or something like that. All you would have to do is load the script and add the proper classnames to the links to your images.

Or... You could post that as a job on the job forum.
sethhickel replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for the reply.

Any samples of code that you could share? I'm OK with PHP - but not loaded classes via a parameter in a URL.


mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
oh I really meant css classes added to a link.
But really just select a free gallery from the marketplace and create a template to just add a form checkbox under each image.

If you feel like spending money, I have a gallery in the marketplace with excellent reviews that cost $15. It's called Touch Gallery ( you buy it I'd be happy to do it for you.

If you don't feel like spending money, just select a free gallery from the marketplace, tell me which one it is and I can try to explain how to do it.
sethhickel replied on at Permalink Reply
This looks like it might be the perfect solution for me. Thanks!!

If we can combine this with a form to allow customers to check-box for interest in the product and show enlarged images on click it would be perfect I think.

I do have a theme template that I use.

I am at my "day job" now but will most likely purchase your gallery this evening.

So - post that - the wrapping in a form and the addition of check-boxes is what I need to do. Your offer to help with that is great!

Thank you.
