get a specific thumbnail

I'm trying to print a specific thumbnail but I'm failing miserably. If someone could shed some light on this topic it would be great.

I added a thumbnail type via the Dashboard (dashboard/system/files/thumbnails) and rescanned my images. Inspecting them, I can see that the new thumbnails are created as intended.

Now, I want to print that specific thumbnail type in my theme. I tried all sorts of methods I could find around and the closest I got was with this:
$type = \Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type\Type::getByHandle('tiny');
foreach($files as $f){
    if (is_object($f)) {
        $src = $f->getThumbnailURL($type->getBaseVersion());
        echo '<img src="'.$src.'" alt="'.$f->getTitle().'" width="'.$type->getWidth().'" height="'.$type->getHeight().'">';

But, that only gets me the width of the thumbnail, the src is still the original.
How can I use the above code (or similar) but end up with the URL to the created thumbnail "tiny" instead of the original image?

Thank you

ESKEMA replied on at Permalink Reply
Nevermind, it was the damn cache playing tricks on me..
Is there a way to delete posts?