Hardcode filtered page list with pagination

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Hi all

I've been working with the page list object to manually filter out pages and display their data, and that works great. The only trouble is when it comes to pagination, in which case using a page list *block* (rather than object) seems to be much more straightforward.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem easy (or possible?) to filter a page list block by attribute in the same way it is for a page list object.

Has anyone managed to achieve this? Pointers very welcome -- I know there's a pagination helper but I'm not clear on how to integrate that into other code.

melat0nin replied on at Permalink Reply

Anyone have any ideas?
synlag replied on at Permalink Reply

yeah, but currently at work and I don't have the code for this here.
Take a look at the page list block controller and the view.
If you add a page list block programatically to an area using your filtered page list object, it should work out of the box, when you set paginator to true.
melat0nin replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply, synlag. I'll have a look at the page list code to see if I can figure it out (although if you could post your code when you get a chance, that would be really helpful :))
synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
E.g. in your specific page type controller you could add:

Loader::model('calendar_event', 'calendar');
class HomePageTypeController extends Controller {
public function on_start(){
                $plo = new PageList();
                $plo->filterByAttribute('calendar_event_is_featured', 1);
                $pl = $plo->getPage();
                $this->set('pl', $pl);

and display the specific page data or add it the pagelist to an area.
melat0nin replied on at Permalink Reply
How do I add it to an area? I'm fine with using the Page List object to get page data, but it's the pagination+object problem that I can't work out. As far as I can tell your code is just passing a pagelist object to the view, but not handling the pagination.
synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
This is what I added to the home page type controller for a various project:

public function init_gallery( $c, $area, $bname, $template, $files, $args = false ){
                $bt = BlockType::getByHandle('gallery');
                $data = array();
                $data['playback'] = 'ORDER';
                $data['thumbnailWidth'] = 3000;
                $data['thumbnailHeight'] = 415;
                $data['thumbnailPerRow'] = 1;
                $data['maxThumbs'] = 0;
                $data['thumbnailAttributeKeyID'] = 0;
                $data['shownAttributes'] = '';
                $data['type'] = 'CUSTOM';
                $data['imgFIDs'][] = 0;
                if(is_array($files)) {
                    for ($i=0; $i < count($files); ++$i) {
                        $data['imgFIDs'][$i] = $files[$i]->getFileID();

and set it up in the same controller like this

public function on_start(){
$c = $this->getCollectionObject();
$p = RealEstateMultipleFilesAttributeTypeController::getFiles($photos);
                if(is_array($p)) $this->init_gallery($c, 'Main', 'Homebilder', 'home_slideshow', $p);

what should work similar to the page list block, I'll try to figure out with an existent page list object.
melat0nin replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah I see, so the idea is to use a page list object to build an array of filtered pages, then pass this into a block?

I'll attempt it and see how I get on :)
melat0nin replied on at Permalink Reply
Wow, I have it (sort of) working, except that it's creating a new Area every time the page is loaded!

Here's my template code (simple creation of an area):

$a = new Area('Main');

and the controller:

public function init_pagelist($c, $area, $bname, $template, $pages, $args = false) {
                $bt = BlockType::getByHandle('page_list');
                $data = array();
                $data['num'] = 1;
                $data['cParentID'] = 205;
                $data['orderBy'] = 'chrono_desc';
                $data['ctID'] = 16;
                $data['paginate'] = 1;
                $data['rss'] = 0;
                $data['displayAliases'] = 0;
                /*if (is_array($pages)) {
                    for ($i=0; $i<count($pages); $i++) {
                        $data['cID'][$i] = $pages[$i]->getCollectionID();

Not sure why that should be because the area name is definitely correct ('Main'). The attribute filter doesn't seem to be working either ("$plo->filter(false, "(ak_project_relevance LIKE '%\nScotland\n%')")"), not sure why that should be. Apart from that pagination seems to be working!
synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
Does it create another area or another page list block?
I think it creates the block again, adding it to that particular area every time you're viewing it. Grab the block in your on_view function and delete it, before you add it again.
melat0nin replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry yes you're right, it's creating the block again each time. Will try your suggestion!
synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
sth like this:
public function on_start() {
      $c = $this->getCollectionObject();
                $blocks = $c->getBlocks('Main');
      foreach($blocks as $b) {

Probably disable editing for the area you're adding the block programmatically.
melat0nin replied on at Permalink Reply
Hmm that works, but it seems to break pagination, because the block is deleted with each pageview so presumably it always resets itself to the first page. Here's my on_start():

public function on_start() {
                $c = $this->getCollectionObject();
                $blocks = $c->getBlocks('Newsarea');
                foreach($blocks as $b) {
                $plo = new PageList();
                //$plo->filter(false, "(ak_project_relevance LIKE '%\nScotland\n%')");
                $pl = $plo->get();
                $this->init_pagelist($c, 'Newsarea', 'Newslist', 'view', $pl);
synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
might be better to not delete the block then if the request is with pagination, or if the block already exists, but then not reinitialze it.
melat0nin replied on at Permalink Reply
Hmm can you explain what you mean by not reinitializing the block?

The need for pagination is really the only reason I'm doing it like this -- otherwise I'd just iterate through an ordinary page list object and output each page's data. Seems sensible to use the inbuilt pagination helper though.
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