How can I access custom page attributes from event on_page_add?

I've got check boxes assigned to a gallery page. When I add a new gallery page it automatically creates 3 sub pages used for categories that can be shown and hidden with the check boxes on the gallery page.

I've got it working when they edit an existing gallery page using event on_page_version_approve to update the children pages based off the current attributes. But when I try to tie into on_page_add the attributes aren't accessible. From what I've found, I believe it is because on_page_add is fired before the attributes are saved.

I'm not sure why on_page_version_approve isn't fired initially but it doesn't seem to be.

I've found that I believe may solve my problem but I don't know concrete5 well enough to know where to tie into the page add process. Am I correct in thinking this is the same problem?


Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
Yep that is what you should do,
jmdill replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Mnkras but I'm not seeing how to go about doing it.

Jeremy Werst is hooking into /concrete/controllers/register.php for adding a new user.

I don't know which page correlates to register.php for adding a new page.
bbeng89 replied on at Permalink Reply
I know this is an ancient thread, but i'm actually running into this same issue on v8. Trying to pull an attribute off of the page object that the event sends and it is always null. Anyone have a solution to this?