How to create a Single Page Frontend Composer interface

Hello Guys,

I would like to make the composer available on the frontend to allow logged in users to add pages without access to the dashboard/toolbar.
The pages to be added will be of specific pagetypes hence they will already be setup to publish beneath their respective parents or predetermined locations of the site (it could be news, articles, forum).

When users in a custom group login they are redirected to this single page which provides a form with a Title, Category (list of specific Page Types = {news, article}) and the Content editor.

Andrew demonstrated a block (Front-End Composer) with this functionality in this video: How would we do that - New composer for 5.7 starting at 0:12:40 which makes me wonder whether to use the block approach or a single page with/without such a block.

I am not sure if the block will ever be accessible to the community (which would be awesome) so am requesting for help on how to develop this feature.

Support for page selector for the location and file uploader integration will be an added bonus but for now these extra features are just in the roadmap.


MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi martbase,

Have you reviewed the Advanced Permissions settings to see if this can be done without recreating the Composer interface?
martbase replied on at Permalink Reply
With Advanced Permissions I can restrict access to the dashboard but what about the issue of a central point for adding pages of different types, customizing or extending the interface?