How to detect whether form controls exists for a pagetype?

Hello team,

I have developed a package that includes a custom theme.
I am having issues whenever I update the package because form controls get added to my pagetype on every update resulting in duplicate controls.

I have managed to come up with a method that checks whether a control exists before adding it to the pagetype but it only works for built-in properties.

How can I detect custom attributes and block controls already added to the pagetype?

The addToPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSet always adds a control on each invocation hence the requirement to check for existence before calling the method.

See attached image for sample form controls

PS: I am adding the composer form controls programmatically.

Here's my method for determining if a control already exists (Using Concrete v5.8.3.2)

protected function getPageTypeFormControlProperty($pagetype, $control)
      $sets = PageTypeComposerFormLayoutSet::getList($pagetype);
      foreach ($sets as $s) {
         $setControls = PageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControl::getList($s);
         foreach ($setControls as $sc) {
            $cntr = $sc->getPageTypeComposerControlObject();
            if ($cntr->getPageTypeComposerControlIdentifier() == $control->getPageTypeComposerControlIdentifier()) { //- $control->getPageTypeComposerControlTypeHandle()  getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlObject
               //echo "We have it: $cntr->getPageTypeComposerControlIdentifier()";
               $ctrl = $cntr;
      return $ctrl;

1 Attachment