How to get stack id from the blocks within a wrapper stack?

I have custom blocks added within a stack. Stack wrapper is then applied on a page by using a custom template.

For example, this is my stack custom template at '/blocks/core_stack_display/templates/mystackwrapper.php':
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
   $c = Page::getCurrentPage();
   $cp = new Permissions($c);
   if ($cp->canViewPageVersions()) {
      $stack = Stack::getByID($stID);   
   } else {
      $stack = Stack::getByID($stID, 'ACTIVE');
   echo '<div id="stackwrapper-'.$stID.'">';
   if (is_object($stack)) { 
      $ax = Area::get($stack, STACKS_AREA_NAME);
      $axp = new Permissions($ax);
      if ($axp->canRead()) {

Here I have used $stID in
echo '<div id="stackwrapper-'.$stID.'">';

I would like to share the same $stID within my custom blocks inside the stack. Is it possible to do so?

gmurillo replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, you can do this? I need some similar code.