how to have URL with www

Hy to all.
Simple question and simple to realize in WP.
How to have www in the url? At this moment I have http://my, but i need to have

If I install wp and joomla I have no problem. So my host is OK.


VilleHC replied on at Permalink Reply
You can type our URL with both WWW or http://, it doesnt matter:) For example: and -Ville
diasomie replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you.
If I type the url instantly became in the browser without www.
Also the site is indexed by google without www and this is not good for my site.

In my country is considered important for the customers to have listed ( in the google searc results page)the url with www before the name site.
michaelfm replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hey diasomie,

In Concrete5 you can change the so called Base Url in /config/site.php like this:

with www
define('BASE_URL', '');

without www
define('BASE_URL', '');

For the google part, I would recommend to sign up for Google Webmastertools. After verifying that you are the owner of and www, you can set the preferred Url to be displayed in the search results.
diasomie replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you all
@ michaelfm.. your advice is working. I made the modification and all is OK. ( with www.)
Thank you

The subject can be closed.
moosh replied on at Permalink Reply

It's a hoster problem, I think.

I think you need to add some extra line in htaccess. Ask to hoster.
