How to create packages?

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I'm working on a site for a client and I'd like to pass them a package so they can install the site over their C5 instance, instead of having to pass them all the files + SQL queries to generate the default blocks on the page types I've created, for example.

Can I do this with C5's packages? if not, what are these packages for? Are there any docs about it?

Thanks again :)

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Applications/packages are for extending C5 functionality in multiple ways at one point, and bundled it all together. For example, we have a "forums" application coming soon (it's running this site and we'll release it when it's a little more stable.) This application contains

one block type
two page types
one CSS file
one JavaScript file
two models
many controllers
many single pages

and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting :-) You wouldn't want people to have to download all this stuff separately and copy it into their various folders to install. Plus, they'd have to install the single pages through the dashboard, the block through the dashboard, etc... The package basically duplicate the blocks/, single_pages/, etc.. directory _again_, inside a folder named "forums" or whatever we name the application. Then there's a PHP file that is responsible for installing everything.

So, once we officially release a how-to on applications, the general rule of thumb will be: if you're releasing ONE theme/block/single page for programmatic use, then just release it as a block or a theme and let people install it that way. If you're releasing multiple bits of interrelated functionality, make it into a package.
alpeb replied on at Permalink Reply
Looking forward for those how-to's

DreamCast replied on at Permalink Reply
i agree
zwigby replied on at Permalink Reply
I would love to see this
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
needs to be cleaned up a bit but there's some thinking over here