I have turned off public registration... so why does the login page come up?

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I have opted for the time being to have open access to my company's site because the login page is really, really bad.. from the "LOGIN TO YOUR SITE", the photos that albeit rae great photos, have nothing to do with my site and there doesn't seem to be any way to customize the login page. (rant over)
So if public registration is off, shouldn't the top level page of my site come up? It's my understanding that turning it off bypasses the login.

What i would like to see is my top level page to come up with my logo and a choice for English or French. The next page to come up would be a branded login / registration page in the language of choice, and then the home page.

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi MarcYBB,

The majority of the login page and login form can be customized by overriding them.
- the background pictures can be removed or replaced
- a theme can be applied to it
- areas can be added for adding blocks, stacks, and layouts
- it can be styled with custom CSS
- the text can be changed
- and more

The Why Override? paragraph applies to 5.7 and explains the reasoning for overrides.

Overriding the login page:
- copy login.php
- paste into

Overriding the login form:
- copy form.php
- paste into

Can you clarify what you mean by "top level page"?

The login destination for your users can be changed.
Dashboard> System & Settings> Login & Registration> Login Destination
MarcYBB replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you, thank you, thank you...
I removed a few lines of code and now have a generic login page that won't make my users feel like they typed in the wrong url. I will play around with it to get it where I need it to be with my company branding (after I do a crash course on CSS styling!).
In the meantime, I turned on the public registration function and set the redirect to my top level page - exactly how i want it.
Again thanks so much for taking the time to help me out.