Importing users AND their attributes

I have a few hundreds users I need to import into c5 and they have attributes I need to get into the system too.

I couldn't find much documentation about the Import Users add-on developed by Kino, but I've installed the tool and in the Dashboard it's instructions say :

please make a csv file like below in this order.(One line per person.)

(please use ",(comma)" as the separater.)

but I'd like to import a CSV with :

username1,mail_address1,password1, phone1, city1, etc.

Anyone have any experience with this? Any suggestions would be hugely appreciated.

rdains replied on at Permalink Reply
Second this request.
Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
if you're going to try hacking this you basically have to add in setAttribute('attribute_handle','value_str');

for the address it might be a little trickier if you're using the address attribute type. you probably have to load an array or the AddressAttributeTypeValue object, and feed that into the second parameter of setAttribute('address',$valueData)

hope that helps a bit