Invalid form token. Please reload this form and submit again.

Hi I'm trying to add a new page attribute to the auto nav, and it doesn't seem to be recognising it so i thought maybe i need to refresh the database schema etc... so i went to debug and ceched the appropriate box and selected refresh.

I got this error:

The following errors occurred when attempting to process your request:
Invalid form token. Please reload this form and submit again.

Any ideas? Also any ideas why auto nav might not be recognising my custom page attributes?


roarkh replied on at Permalink Reply
I just ran into a similar problem trying to upload a Word document using the file manager. Using Safari on an iMac running Mac OS 10.6 and the latest version of Safari I received the same error message. If I attempt the same procedure with Firefox on the same machine it works just fine.
BHWW replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, in the end I started from scratch as I couldn't get this working. Second time round all was fine!