Is there a Superfish Nav. style generator or style templates available?

Anyone know of a product that makes styling the Superfish menu block faster, easier, and less technical?

I'm not a great css coder, and would like to speed the menubar build process with the Superfish Nav product. Like round-overs, shading, color or image selection from library, size control, fonts etc in a visual interface?

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried the superfish addon in the marketplace?
luns4d replied on at Permalink Reply
I am using that Superfish, but I want more elegant styling. Would like visual interface in to figure out particulars.

Now I'm wondering if I need to start with Auto Nav instead.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I've never seen a superfish generator (and a quick google search didn't bring up anything promising). I always just use the autonav block and bring in the appropriate css/js in my theme. I usually use this as a good starting point:

My theory is that if I keep using that same code as a starting point, eventually I'll be able to create these menus to look however I want very easily. But I've probably done a dozen of them in the past few months and for some reason they are *always* a problem to get looking and working the way you want. So maybe it's more like a martial arts where you need to practice for 10 years before you can master it...
And maybe that's why there's no generator (because there are so many different variations and potential problems that come up depending on your style).
luns4d replied on at Permalink Reply
It makes sense now, but I didn't know the Marketplace Superfish was based on a jQuery superfish. I also didn't no about the jQuery version at all. Neat.

Your short reflection on superfish and "the Art of Auto Nav" is enlightening, helpful, for me. Thank you! Comforting to know it's not just me.-