Link Advanced Tab Documentation would certainly be nice...

So many options under the Advanced tab of the Link section are not documented anywhere. Some of them are no brainers, but plenty of them are not:

Target name
Language direction
Target language
Language code
Target character encoding
Target MIME type
Relationship page to target
Relationship target to page

What is with the "Lightbox" option? Lightbox is specifically something people have been struggling with here and there is no mention of this anywhere. When you click the Link button in the WYSIWYG editor, then the Advanced tab, the first pulldown menu gives a Lightbox option.

It seems to play nice with Shadowbox except that I can make a set of images. It will only open 1 image as a lightbox, but no arrows for a series of images.

If C5 has a conflict with Lightbox (which it seems it does), why is there a dropdown option? If there isn't a conflict, how does one create a set of images? There are only about a million guesses one could try in this Advanced panel (believe me, I've already spent hours experimenting and failing).

litteraria replied on at Permalink Reply
It's 2014, and I still can't find documentation for the majority of those (or... pretty much *any*, really). I tried searching for "target language," and your post was the very first in the list.

FWIW, I think I finally figured that one out -- the one on "target language," anyway. If I'm right, it should correspond to the <code>language</code> meta tag.

(NB: If the editor butchers that, it's just "language" without quotes.)

I think it's just supposed to be the language (i.e. -- English, Spanish, French... not html, etc.) of whatever page you're linking to. Stupid as it sounds, it actually took me a bit to figure that one out. Hah!

Then language code is, eg, "en" or "en-us" or "en-gb" or such forth. (Or so I assume. But we all know where assuming gets you....)

RE: possible conflicts, I'm wondering if those sorts of things can't be helped as the editor is TinyMCE, which is a third-party, etc etc. But still yeah -- I get frustrated with it, too. Very often.
zoinks replied on at Permalink Reply
What synchronicity! We were just joking about the "assume makes an ass out of u and me" joke yesterday. Haven't thought about that in many, many years.

As far as the rest goes, I don't even remember what I was trying to do here or what this is even about. I don't experiment with TinyMCE at all anymore. I just try to do everything with add-ons and blocks.
litteraria replied on at Permalink Reply
Timing, ftw. :D

Yeah, TinyMCE's a pain. I use the Content+ add-on for pretty much everything text-related, but I think that just extends the TinyMCE UI. (I could be way off, though. I wouldn't quote me on it on or anything.)

Well, unless editing HTML gets involved. Then I use the HTML block. TinyMCE eats up/butchers HTML and renders it worthless. (Case in point: FontAwesome. It mistakes the icon tags for italics.)