Marketplace not working within the Dashboard

I have noticed for sometime that trying to purchase add-ons within the CMS dashboard is impossible. Is it broken?

It seems the only way to purchase the add-ons is directly through the website.

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you explain (or provide a video) of what exactly you are running into issues with?
studio108 replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
Whilst logged into the CMS. I select 'Get More Add-Ons'. The Marketplace page loads in and after finding the add-on I require I click purchase. I am then prompted to login to the concrete5 account.
When the login details are entered the modal goes blank (Screen grab 1). I then close the modal down and click the purchase button again and this time a message says 'Shopping Cart Empty' (Screen grab 2) . I attempt again and again getting the same result.

This isn't unique to this current project. I have found this issue since using v8.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
I am able to replicate this exact same thing. Unfortunately that's not very helpful. I will ask some of the developers in Slack and if this isn't a known issue I will report it on GitHub.

Login to a site that has already been connected to Marketplace
Click Extend concrete5 from Main Menu
Click Get More Add-Ons from the Main Menu under Extend concrete5
Find a (paid) Add-On click Purchase

The modal pops up and says "Your shopping cart is empty."

If I click the Checkout button anyhow I see this error in my error console - "Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'."

This happens with or without SSL.
hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
It looks like this is something that's known, it is fixed in the develop branch on GitHub. I don't know when the fix will be released.
studio108 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, thanks for helping out with this.