Missing rollover image on mobile devices

I am using the image block and the image caption block to create a portfolio page. I have added these blocks to a stack and have called the stack into the page. The rollover images work fine on desktop and laptop, but on mobile devices, when tapped, the image disappears and shows a "missing image" box outline with question mark as well as the Alt tag from the image. Ideally I would like it to show the rollover image, just as it does on the desktop. Neither block type works so I imagine it's a core issue. In addition I tried adding an on click event in addition to the onmouseover in the image.php file, but it doesn't seem to appear in the code even after erasing the cache several times. Thanks for the help. Sample here:http://bereznicki.com/portfolio/...

VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there, it's a device issue rather than a concrete5 issue, there is no such thing as hover on a touch screen device so when you tap it activates the link without activating the hover, hence the missing image.

On a mobile device there is tapping or not tapping, there is no in-between that hover represents on a desktop, if you see what I mean.

If I was you I would remove the hover events via media queries, on mobile resolutions.