Package/Application Documentation

Hello Community!
Due to the lack of documentation for the Package/Application system in C5 I decided to dig (took most of the day!) into the C5 code and get it sorted out. I think this is crucial and important feature to add large scale functionality to C5 (If used properly!).
I was not sure of the best place to post this and what medium to use so I have attached a pdf.
I can try to answer any questions on this to a certain extent (I am not a help desk :) ).


1 Attachment

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you give me a format I might be able to cut and paste from ?

DavidMIRV replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hmm the forum denied me to post a open document format (.odt) so I exported to a .doc .. Hopefully it kept the formatting intact enough
SkyBlueSofa replied on at Permalink Reply
I have tried the install as documented and came up with one modification:
You need to edit the first line to read:
$pkg = parent::install();

and edit the line toward the end to read:
$messages .= BlockType::installBlockTypeFromPackage($file,$pkg,0);

Notice the $pkg instead of $this.
DavidMIRV replied on at Permalink Reply
well $this is the package but sure why not if you like it better :)
SkyBlueSofa replied on at Permalink Reply
It wasn't working with $this, so I added the $pkg and it started working for me.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply

woulda added damiro's change to the message line but wasn't 100% where the $pkg line before it should really go.
