Page List To Display Multiple Sub Pages?

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I'm building a site to display schedules for our local sports team.

So under my SCHEDULES Page. I have a page each for Football, Basketball and Hockey.

Under each of those, I have pages for the daily schedule of games.

I want a page list to display EVERY schedule for all the sports, so I set it to display pages underneath the Schedules page...but it's only showing me the three sub pages. What I want is EVERY page underneath schedules, including subpages.

How can I do that?

leinteractive replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry to bump my own thread...still wondering if there is a way for a Page List to display all sub-pages underneath a given page as opposed to just the first level sub-pages.

leinteractive replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there a way for a PageList to display ALL pages underneath a given page, not just the first level sub-pages?
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
I am not to sure but I think you should be able to run the following

//then within each listing create a new page list instance
$pageList = new PageList();
$pages = $pageList->get();
//that will grab a collection of all the current pages within that page
//then you should just need to play around with echoing out the bits you need?
//something like 
//no idea if this would work I can not remember if the $pages is an object or an array? but I think its an array
foreach($pages  as $page){
//display page information
leinteractive replied on at Permalink Reply
Not really sure where I would put that thought?

I'm kinda wondering if I'd be better off making a new template for the auto-nav as opposed to trying the make a square peg fit in a round hole with a page list?
KJLJon replied on at Permalink Reply
I am having the same sort of problem as leinteractive.

I tried your code out but my problem is it doesn't sort it (I guess I could manually sort it using php?), but I just want to check if someone has an easier way.

Here is a description of my website layout.
I have 3 page types:
Page, Subject, Subject_Post

Sitemap [Title (Page Type)]:
Home (Page)
-Blog (Subject)
--2011 (Subject)
---My_First_Blog_Post (Subject_Post)
-Projects (Subject)
--Arts_&_Crafts (Subject)
---Halloween (Subject_Post)
---Christmas_Ornaments (Subject_Post)
--Photography (Subject)
---Crazy_Storm (Subject_Post)

So for example, I can get Blog to show either 2011 or to show all the Subject_Post (from every were) but I am looking to only get the page type "Subject_Post" underneath the current "Subject".

IE I am trying to get "Projects" to show "Halloween", "Christmas_Ornaments", and "Crazy_Storm" sorted by "With the Most Recent First" and have a Pagination and only display 10 pages.

I am going to work on finishing the code TheRealSean posted (It's a good start) to have it grab 10 pages of each "Subject" page underneath the current page it's on and sort all of these (n subject pages)*10 pages it grabs by the date and only output 10 of them

Now thinking about it, I am wondering how I can get the Pagination to work properly using this method? Any ideas?

Thank you for all your help :)

Hopefully there is a different way I can get this to work.
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
The autonav block has already done alot of the work to get the sub pages to display, so thats often my route when I want to show multiple sub pages.

I don't have the time to have a go at this for a working demo, but if I can find some time over the weekend Ill see if I can take a stab at it, to get something out putting in the page list that I know works

You are correct the Pagelist would need sorting, but the concrete5 devs have thought ahead ;-)

There are a few options you can use to sort and filter the results a full list can be found here.

But for your case,

You could even add in your own filter or sort. An example could be to filter all Pages that of type, then filter by a customAttribtute
KJLJon replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks :)
KJLJon replied on at Permalink Reply
So here is what I did (in case anyone is wondering).

NOTE: this is a little more advance then some people may want to get into.

I copied the /concrete/blocks/page_list to /blocks/page_list

in /blocks/page_list/controller.php on line 31 look for
if ($this->bID) {
   $q = "select num, cParentID, cThis, orderBy, ctID, displayAliases, rss from btPageList where bID = '$bID'";
   $r = $db->query($q);
   if ($r) {
      $row = $r->fetchRow();
} else {
   $row['num'] = $this->num;
   $row['cParentID'] = $this->cParentID;
   $row['cThis'] = $this->cThis;
   $row['orderBy'] = $this->orderBy;
   $row['ctID'] = $this->ctID;
   $row['rss'] = $this->rss;
   $row['displayAliases'] = $this->displayAliases;

change it to
if ($this->bID) {
   $q = "select num, cParentID, cThis, orderBy, ctID, displayAliases, rss from btPageList where bID = '$bID'";
   $r = $db->query($q);
   if ($r) {
      $row = $r->fetchRow();
   $row['path'] = false;
} else {
   $row['num'] = $this->num;
   $row['cParentID'] = $this->cParentID;
   $row['cThis'] = $this->cThis;
   $row['orderBy'] = $this->orderBy;
   $row['ctID'] = $this->ctID;
   $row['rss'] = $this->rss;
   $row['displayAliases'] = $this->displayAliases;

and then around line 81 look for
if (is_object($c)) {
  $this->cID = $c->getCollectionID();

and change it to
if (is_object($c)) {
  $this->cID = $c->getCollectionID();
  if($row['path']) $pl->filterByPath($c->getCollectionPath());   

and then you will have to hard-code in the page_list into the page. Here is an example of what I did:
$bt = BlockType::getByHandle('page_list');
$bt->controller->num = 10;
$bt->controller->cParentID = 0;
$bt->controller->cThis = 1;
$bt->controller->orderBy = 'alpha_desc';
$bt->controller->ctID = 10;
$bt->controller->rss = 0;
$bt->controller->displayAliases = 1;
$bt->controller->path = 1;