is there a way to auto-title the page with a title that's different than the menu link?

Can the auto-title of the page be longer than the name of the page in the menu?

I'd like the menu bar to say:
"design process",
but the actual page title should be:
"design-to-delight process".

Obviously I can title each page manually via the editor, but is there a way to auto-title the page with a title that's different than the menu link?

SteveAtParadigm replied on at Permalink Reply
I found my answer on the coding cheat sheet posted here:

Put the code below in your theme to display the meta-title if it exists, otherwise it will display the default page title:
   //get the meta_title
   $metaTitle = $c->getCollectionAttributeValue('meta_title');
   //if page has a meta_title
   if(!empty($metaTitle)) {
      //print the meta_title
      print $metaTitle;
   } else {
      //otherwise print the default page title
      print $c->getCollectionName(); 

You can edit the meta_title in the page's properties->custom fields tab.