Passing Single Page URL Param into Block (v8.1.0)

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I have a single page:


...that has method/action in the controller called "member":


I am passing 2 Express Entity values on the URL - the first being the express form object and the second being the ID of the entry:


In the single page I have added an Express Form. I am attempting to extend the block controller to read the action and get the params so I can use them in the block. I am following this example (see link at the end), and for the life of me can not get action_member to fire. Even if I set a hard-coded value it doesn't render in the view.

My Express Form block controller override:

namespace Application\Block\ExpressForm;
class Controller extends \Concrete\Block\ExpressForm\Controller
    public function action_member($fID, $eID)
        $this->set("id", $eID);

I can get the $eID from the URL in the single page controller and render it to the view with no problem.

Single Page controller:

namespace Application\Controller\SinglePage\Admin\Remarks;
use Concrete\Core\Page\Controller\PageController;
class Add extends PageController
    public function view()
        $this->set('pagehead', 'Add Remark');
    public function member($fID = null, $eID = null) {
       $this->set('eID', $eID);

Any idea what I am doing wrong? Or is this a bug?

jmcgarvey replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Figured this out... MEMBER must be a reserved word in C5. I changed my action name and it works as expected.