Paste From Word

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How do you add this function into TinyMCE. I am using the newest version of Concrete by the way

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
i dunno.

But i know if they have a "code" for it in their toolbar library you can turn it on through concrete5 now. If you goto settings towards the bottom right of that window is a set of options regarding the text editor. If you choose custom, you can paste whatever config code you pull off tinymce's website and it'll give that a shot.

lemmie know what you find.
abberdab replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
1) Set your Content Toolbars in Sitewide Settings to "Custom".

2) In the custom code box, add
to your list of plugins and add
to one of your buttons lists (like "theme_concrete_buttons1").

Be warned though, I'm finding that the concrete theme for tinymce is not handling the height well for either the Paste from Word function or the Paste as Text function. My cancel/update buttons are partially off the screen in the case of Paste from Word, and completely off the screen and inaccessible when using Paste as Text. Still working on that. Any suggestions that don't require my editing core files would be welcome! It looks like a style/script issue - the label text is too large and the height of the dialog (as a result?) is not being calculated correctly. I'm using FF3.0.6 on a Mac.
snowman replied on at Permalink Reply
just curious... did you resolve the chopped button problem? I'm having the same problem, and am looking at my stylesheets trying to figure out what to tweak. Thanks.
LucidLethargy replied on at Permalink Reply
I can't seem to find the "accept" button either, and it's driving me mad...

I'm not impressed with Concrete5 when it has broken features.
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
It no longer Accept its Insert and Cancel, it should be on the bottom left?