Php contact form unique id generation

Not really a concrete5 issue...
but I am trying to create a simple form in C5.6.3.3 that emails the recipient a unique number for every form response he receives. Also be cool if the form details where sent to the sender
Tried the hidden field with mt_rand but just returns the code and not a number.
Anyone know how to easily do this?

madesimplemedia replied on at Permalink Reply
You could use the following to generate a new number:

<?php echo time();?>
trixiemay replied on at Permalink Reply
And I presume this sits in the form processing file?
And nothing needs to be done on the htm form page?
madesimplemedia replied on at Permalink Reply
You would want to create a custom template or override the view file.
You could add a hidden field in the custom template/override with the time set as the fields value.