Second MySQL DB Connection with Doctrine

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OK, it's been a while since I use Concrete5. And everything seems different now especially witn Doctrine for database connection and ORM.

Here's what I plan to do. I have another database that contains information that I need to display on my Concrete5 site. It has no Concrete5 tables. Just my own tables.

My plan is to create a class and store it in application/src/MyData/MyData.php. I need to know how to connect to my second database connection from here. I do have my second MySQL connection details in the array in application/config/database.php. I am not to sure about how to use the DatabaseManager and/or Doctrine to connect to it. I did find the other thread about connecting a second DB, but that is for MongoDB. I am lost... haven't used Doctrine before.

Continuing from that, if I get MyData.php to connect to my second MySQL, my next plan is create a block that will instantiate MyData class and get the data. In the block controller, I would probably have

The plan to be used in my block controller
$mydata = new MyData();
$display_data = $mydata->get($limit, $page);

Snippet of my database.php
return array(
    'default-connection' => 'concrete',
    'connections' => array(
        'concrete' => array(
            'driver' => 'c5_pdo_mysql',
            'server' => 'localhost',
            'database' => 'plainc5',
            'username' => 'root',
            'password' => '',
            'charset' => 'utf8'
        'second_db_conn' => array(
            'driver' => 'c5_pdo_mysql',
            'server' => 'localhost',
            'database' => 'my_data_db',

Honestly, I am lost as to how I can accomplish this -- the second mysql connection with doctrine.

kidino replied on at Permalink Reply
OK. I though it was going to be simple. Do correct me if this is the not right way to do it. Here's how I make my second connection in a general class. My class in application/src/MyData/MyData.php. And in the __constructor, I added
$this->conn = \Database::connection('connection_name');

"connection_name" comes from my database.php, where I set my second database settings. Now I can use it anywhere within the class by referring to $this->conn, for example
$stmt = $this->conn->query("select * from widget");

There you go!
Korvin replied on at Permalink Reply
This is correct, you add your new connection configuration and load it with
kidino replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for confirming this. I was scratching my head for days before I found this method.