Sending a Confirmation Email

Hey all. I am looking to send confirnmation emails to the submitter of a form. I was able to find where this can be done using the legacy form block but it seems the express form block is must more complex. Any ideas on how i might be able to implement this feature?

c5dragon replied on at Permalink Reply
Had this 'simple' way.

Change this.
$mh->to($this->getReplyToEmail($entry)); // old  $mh->to($entry->getEMail());
Chrouglas replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the quick response. It worked perfectly! But (and there's always a but) were you able to override the core file? I followed the directions here...
but get an error... Class '\Application\Src\Custom\CustomNotificationServiceProvider' not found.

Only way I got it to work was to modify the core file (i know, i know).
Thanks again!
c5dragon replied on at Permalink Reply
Better add it to your / make a package which does the override.

Package controller.php
protected $pkgAutoloaderRegistries = array(
   'src/MySite' => '\MySite',
public function on_start()