superfish.js 1.7.3 not working when logged in c5.

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Hi C5 gurus,

I need your enlightenment on this.

I tried creating a autonav template with dropdown menu using superfish.
I used superfish.js 1.7.3. when I'm logged-in in c5 the dropdown menu wont show. But when logged-out the dropdown menu works fine.

I tried older version of superfish.js 1.5 and it works fine logged-in our out.

Is it possible to have conflicts with the js codes when logged-in in c5 environment with the current superfish 1.7.3 implementation?

Thanks in advance!

slafleche replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you check for any errors in your browser? If there is a conflict, it'll show up in there.
guyDesign replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having the same issue, there are no errors in the console, what I can see is that the hoverClass is applied to the wrong level, it is applied to the top most ul element
guyDesign replied on at Permalink Reply
The conflict is with , don't know where yet