The actual tools urls are inverted?

I am using the latest ( version of C5 and it looks like the documentation on the tools directory scripts urls is wrong.

I can access the upgrade script by typing concrete5/index.php/tools/upgrade/ while the documentation says that I should use the index.php only on the custom tools scripts.

On the other hand when I'm creating a script under the tools dir, It's not accessible at all, while if I place in the concrete/tools and use the index I'm getting my page list.


MattWaters replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi natharf,

Just stumbled upon this thread-- do you recall the documentation page you were looking at? I can certainly check into it.

index.php passes your requests through the concrete5 dispatcher-- which is necessary for any file that begins with the check for C5_EXECUTE:

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");

This makes sure the code is being run by concrete5, not with a direct call to the php file from a browser / spider etc. The dispatcher also includes other stuff, like permissions checks, etc.

A tools script would typically go in your site's override directory: public_html/tools rather than concrete/tools. It could also be located in a block or package.
gordoweb replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi MattWaters,

I don't know if this is still relevant, but as there is no response to your query to natharf (May 28, 2013) I hope the following is still relevant:

You wrote: "Just stumbled upon this thread-- do you recall the documentation page you were looking at? I can certainly check into it".

The documentation page is

The paragraph on tools appears at the very bottom of the page, immediately before the related forum posts.
