Trying to control the style of a Form confirmation message

I'm reskinning the standard Form in a contact page, but I have limited control over how it looks.

The message that appears when a Form is sent appears in a yellow background, and I want to change this.

I've been able to make some changes using a div id #msg in my style.css, but what appears to but coded into the page is a div called .miniSurveyView #msg that controls the yellow background a level below my css.

How can I change the settings on div?

karenalenore replied on at Permalink Reply
DId you ever figure this out? I see how the style is hardcoded into the page and so my stylesheet cannot overwrite it. any thoughts on a good work around?
invision replied on at Permalink Reply
This is an old thread that I stumbled upon trying to resolve another form issue.

The answer: most C5 modules have their own view.php & view.css files associated with them.

You can edit the original view.css file. Not recommended, though -- that will get overwritten when C5 updates.

The preferred way to do this is to create a template of the module. In the case of the built-in form, create the following directory structure: in 'blocks' create a 'form' subdirectory, then a 'templates' subdirectory, then a new subdirectory named for the custom template you're creating.

Copy the 'view.php' and 'view.css' files from 'concrete/blocks/form/' folder into this new folder. Edit the CSS to your heart's content.

After you place a form block, go back and left-click and choose 'Custom Template'. If you've followed these steps correctly, the name of your new folder should show up in the popup.

Using this method, you can create many views for a block.