URL encoding


I'm not familiar with c5 and I can't get my parameters to pass from my page to my controller properly.

My setup:
I have a page named item.php under /single-pages and the controller under /controllers:

class itemController extends Controller {
public function item($url,$xx,$pp,$tt){

Single page:
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); ?>
<h1><?php echo t('Test')?></h1>
<div id='mydiv'>
$test = urlencode('http://blelbe.com');
$xtest = urlencode('//qsdsqd/qsd');
<a href="<?php echo $this->url('/item','test', $test,$xtest,'25343','blabla blabla') ?>">test1!</a>
<a href="<?php echo $this->url('/item','test', 'http://blelbe.com','//qsdsqd/qsd',$ptest,'blablabla blabla') ?>">test2!</a>

<h2>Liste des params:</h2>
<?php echo $url; ?><br/>
<?php echo $xx; ?><br/>
<?php echo $pp; ?><br/>
<?php echo $tt; ?><br/>


The first link is not working, the page is not found when I encode the parameters.
For the second link the parameters are wrong due to the forward slashes:
$pp=qsdsqd and so on.

I know my question is ridiculous but I don't understand why encoding the parameters don't solve my issue.

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
try addslashes()
hudsonn replied on at Permalink Reply
thank you for your answer but it doesn't help as addslashes add backslashes to quotes or backslashes.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I actually had trouble doing this a while back, I just ended up doing base64_encode and decode
hudsonn replied on at Permalink Reply
Instead of using encode64 I'll do my own encoding/decoding function to replace only slashes by a code because I'll get the parameters from a bookmarklet and javascript hasn't any encode64 function.
Anyway thanks for your help!
Fernandos replied on at Permalink Reply
That's not right. You can use base64encode or decode with Javascript.
A little jquery plugin:

hudsonn replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah that's right but there is a limit to the number of characters a bookmarklet can contain, and mine is already quite heavy :P
Tao replied on at Permalink Reply
Try using rawurlencode ?