User Image/File Upload not saving or showing file

Using a fresh copy of 8.3.2 and 8.3.1:

I added the Image/File attribute for users (/dashboard/system/attributes/types), created a new member Image/File attribute, and tried uploading a file. Both on the frontend and in the Dashboard (/dashboard/users/search/view/1) nothing seems to happen. There's no file name that shows in that field after it's saved, I cannot get the attribute ($ui->getAttribute('image_file')), and I can't seem to find the file anywhere in the file system or database.

Anyone else?

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi cd13sr,

I am seeing this behavior when the Image/File attribute "Input Format" is set to "HTML Input" (the "Input Format" of "File Manager Selector" works correctly).

Steps to reproduce:
1. enable the Image/File attribute type for "User"
Dashboard > System & Settings > Attributes > Types
2. create an Image/File user attribute with the "Input Format" set to "HTML Input"
Dashboard > Members > Attributes > Choose Type select drop-down > Image/File
3. go to a user View/Edit profile page and apply the Image/File attribute
Dashboard > Members > Search Users > select a user

The attribute label is displayed and the popover menu will work correctly, but after choosing a file and clicking the check button, the selected value is "None".
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

There is an open GitHub issue for this. I recommend leaving a comment.
"File Attribute, HTML Input in Edit #4678"
cd13sr replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, I forgot to mention the input format. That's what I'm seeing as well. Thanks so much for the reply, I'll leave a comment on GitHub.