v8.4: how to render view without a page

Following this:


I need to render a my_package/views/test.php view
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
foreach ($topics as $topic) {
    echo $topic . '<br />';

at a route my_page/topics
$view = new View('test');
$this->set('topics', $topics);
return $this->responseFactory->view($view);

but I get an error: "Call to a member function css() on null". If it's to do with "rendering them without a valid page (like in this instance) will cause an error", then how can I render my custom view on a themed page at that route?

linuxoid replied on at Permalink Reply
I also tried extending the controller as a PageController:
$template = PageTemplate::getByHandle('full');
$this->render('/test', 'my_package');
$this->set('topics', $topics);

In this case I do get the topics shown on an empty UN-themed page. Although I did set the theme and template the page is not themed.

Any idea, help anyone?

PS. The Documentation page is wrong:

the View class doesn't have the 'setThemeHandle' method